Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Inglan is a bitch

Please don’t miss today’s Debt Rattle, April 23 2008: The Crunch Continues

Ilargi: It's often hard to accept even what is inevitable. What can you do? This is not about a few dollars more or less, this is about human lives. Here’s two songs to live by:

As I see England descending into chaos, I think of this poem by Linton Kwesi Johnson, from the last time, late 1970’s, when poverty and despair ruled. I feel for Inglan. And I pity the poor immigrant on British soil.

Inglan Is a Bitch

wen mi jus come to Landan toun
mi use to work pan di andahgroun
but workin pan di andahgroun
yu dont get fi know your way aroun

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no runin whe fram it

mi get a likkle jab in a big otell
an awftah a while, mi woz doin quite well
dem staat mi awf as a dish-washah
but wen mi tek a stack, mi noh tun clack-watchah!

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch
noh baddah try fi hide fram it

wen dem gi you di likkle wage packit
fus dem rab it wid dem big tax rackit
yu haffi struggle fi mek enz meet
an wen yu goh a yu bed yu jus cant sleep

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch fi true
a noh lie mi a tell, a true

me use to work dig ditch wen it cowl noh bitch
mi did strang like a mule, but, bwoy, mi did fool
den awftah a while mi jus stap dhu owevahtime
den awftah a while mi jus phu dung mi tool

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch
yu haffi know how fi suvive in it

well mi dhu day wok an mi dhu nite wok
mi dhu clean wok and mi dhu dutty wok
dem seh dat black man is very lazy
but if yu si how mi wok yu woodah seh mi crazy

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch
yu bettah face up to it

dem have a likkle facktri up inna Brackly
inna disya facktri all dem dhu is pack crackry
fi di laas fifteen years dem get mi laybah
now awftah fifteen years mi fall out a fayvah

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no runin whe fram it

mi know dem have wok, wok in abundant
yet still, dem mek mi redundant
now, at fifty-five mi getin quite ole
yet still, dem sen mi fi goh draw dole

Inglan is a bitch
dere’s no escapin it
Inglan is a bitch fi true
is whe wi a goh dhu bout it?

I pity the poor immigrant

I pity the poor immigrant
Who wishes he would've stayed home,
Who uses all his power to do evil
But in the end is always left so alone.
That man whom with his fingers cheats
And who lies with ev'ry breath,
Who passionately hates his life
And likewise, fears his death.

I pity the poor immigrant
Whose strength is spent in vain,
Whose heaven is like Ironsides,
Whose tears are like rain,
Who eats but is not satisfied,
Who hears but does not see,
Who falls in love with wealth itself
And turns his back on me.

I pity the poor immigrant
Who tramples through the mud,
Who fills his mouth with laughing
And who builds his town with blood,
Whose visions in the final end
Must shatter like the glass.
I pity the poor immigrant
When his gladness comes to pass.


  1. Petraeus now head of CENTCOM.

    Get ready to die.

  2. Ilargi, thank you so much for the deeply moving poem by Linton Kwesi Johnson! so timely in that the race/class divide is still an issue that awaits healing, awaits a compassionate embrace from each of us. Year after year after year....I am recalling one of my favorite films, " Cabaret". There is a song with a lyric something close to " when hunger comes in the window love flies out the door".

  3. The race fracture line is what enables the pigmen.

    There can never be a single voice resistance movement.

    Burying the US under entitled non white immigrants was planned specifically to dilute demographics, and the main reason why in the US and UK the solution may not be pretty.


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